The Unspoken !

Literally no One........

It is indeed pleasuring from all to the way, you supported someone to come out of their space and make them talk. Do we all make the right decision in someone's life by giving them advice which we feel good for them, or else just gazing them how they overcome from their situation?

what makes you fell unspoken often, Does

your ability to solve their problem? How do they think of us? Are we showing the right path to them? whether this question makes you left unspoken at times. 

Dear readers, problems are shared with the person whom their trust. The way how they feel like is, a burden is being removed from them while talking with you and it seems very light after having an exchange with you. They need such support from you, at this time, you being silly about thinking about the four questions mentioned above doesn't seem an answer to their problem nor your ability to help others in a crucial situation.

Come out of your comfort zone and make history do what the world needs right now, your words, your thoughts, the way you cheer them up is what everything they need right now.

Imagine you were in such a situation where everything turns upside down at your circumstance, is that the same way you react how you treated others by left unspoken, the same courage and support you needed is what exactly other too. How your mind perplexes how you curse yourself, 

For all this, the answer is speaking, louder and louder with no fuzzy in your mind give answers, support say them what is wrong and right with them make them understand no worries are bigger than being held captive with cowardness, you are the one who can bring them out of their caged thoughts. "I am there for you" these words can make their day! 

Therefore talk with the people and give support who are in need.



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