
Cherishing moment...

Overwhelmed to write this post Dusk, the most enjoyable time in everyone's life, the time where everyone is busy getting ready to go home after a well-spent day in their lives. 

This time where we forget ourselves in the evening travel of going home, 
a small thing could also be more beautiful when we pay attention to it. it is as similar to this kind of enjoying the dusk evening.

Dusk is a time which you could experience,
 while sitting on the terrace or a balcony where the sudden breeze could take you to the next level of your life of remembering the best moments happened in your life or the scar of the regrets in your past which is irremovable in your life which haunts like that you did a big mistake in your life. 

Thinking now, Ohh god, please get me back to that time and stop me making stupid decisions and please change to how it was supposed to be, 

these are the things which circle your mind and definitely happen when you start enjoying yourself in the dusky time, Yeah really you will enjoy it! 

after time moves on you start believing that everything happens for a reason and so does this too is for a reason that I have learned! to overcome so many things in my life.

After reading this, get a moment to enjoy the evening where the dark bids you bye, and the light gets dim 
"where the city of lights blinking at you and the stars shining at you" and you enjoying an entirely different vision of your life.


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