
Showing posts from August, 2020

Magic Spell

Magic! More and More..... We love magic, as we believe in things that are non-viable for us to cherish or achieve, we long for the last-minute magic to happen.  What the magic spell is?  If you still cant get rid over from your failure and thinking of yourself in a clumsy situation, etc. you would have finally ended up with believing in last-minute magic hoping that everything will be fine soon here is where exactly you start believing in magic..

Move out your Space

 Move out your Space.... Greetings, warm welcome dear readers, give a break to the world, enjoy the destiny to be reached, give space for yourself, give space for others, sit calm, read more, analyze the purpose of your life.  Still a bit more confusing, wait read that twice, the main purpose of your life is realizing why were you born over here, what is the one thing which pushes you daily to work over.   Is that you believe life is offering you chances every day? Every day is a gift, it is not a chance. The way how wise you use it is where everything lies. Give a space, to all the things which make you worry, feel sad for no reason, depressed, anxious, and so on. These are typically the things that test your capability of how you overcome such things in your day to day life.  The answer to this hectic question is, Understand who you are! , How bold are you, think of your strengths, the way how people celebrated your success and victory even it is of a small thing, how happy you were

Live the Moment

  Moment... Those lively isn't it.... Living in the present matters a lot. Do you all live in the present? or else thinking about the future and feeling about the past. Do this makes you happy? and forget all the regrets you did in your life till now

Capture !

Wait for the right time to show who you are! Being at the moment matters. Capturing the right things at the right moment and grabbing opportunities is all we needed at this moment. A perfect photo click at the right time will make you realize the correct time to capture the snap. Learn how to wise your performance in your field and looking for the right time to show your talents may help you excel and shine.  

Dream Big

You are the one who is going to make big things! Hi friends, happy to meet you soon over here with the new exciting topic! A common question from everyone you meet in person or in general a casual talk will always address in with whats your dream man! What are you going to be! have your planed your future how it supposed to be? A well-planed person would explain his story of admiration of his dreams and how he is working hard to achieve his glory. But the other person who always dreamt of his career but not making any necessary steps to work through will always have a wavery mind that am I doing good? Is this correct for me to continue? Is this possible?  The answer to all this is "Yes". You can. Always ensure that you dream big. What is actually in your mind that you are eagerly waiting for to achieve. There is no limit that dreams should be of this size smaller to that much amount of larger. Reality is done and is everywhere, but it is not certain that you should limit your

Exchange !

  A very fun-filled topic here I am going to write about is the exchange. An exchange(talk) with your friends,  with your parents, with whom do you find comfortable to share things. In all these years we will be in a position where we find some secrets to share about us to others. We don't need to reveal it but sharing with our close ones will be perfect to heal ourselves from the bitter past. We could find a different version of us after all the clusters in our mind has been told to someone, where unexpectedly we could find a solution for the problem too. there is nothing like this is bigger or smaller issues that are disturbing our mind when it comes to bothering your mind definitely what you have to do is either you should sit and clear your mind with your thoughts and power if this is not working then you should consider someone to share your thoughts and get cleared of the things and start doing your next work. Here is where all you need is a good mentor in your life. A good m

What's now ?

Really...  Welcome back, dear readers, the world is moving straight into the question what's next? are you doing this? are you sure about it that you would succeed?  these common question circles your mind and tests your determination towards your work. Straight to the point, what are you going to do now? How are you going to answer to this question is where you stand for in your life. A small idea over here, Key Points to remember: 1. Stay determined for your ambition, 2 .Believe in your success, 3. Get an opinion from others, 4 .Fantasize your dream, A schedule of following the above-mentioned things and clear planing of your goal will reach you to the top of success in everything.  A clear mind with strong determination is more enough to shine your way.  Pen down your thoughts it will help you more in realizing and recognizing your exact position and standard in your daily routines. A strict practice of following your daily planner will help you more way,  ending up with saying


Cherishing moment... Overwhelmed to write this post Dusk, the most enjoyable time in everyone's life, the time where everyone is busy getting ready to go home after a well-spent day in their lives.  This time where we forget ourselves in the evening travel of going home,  a small thing could also be more beautiful when we pay attention to it. it is as similar to this kind of enjoying the dusk evening. Dusk is a time which you could experience,  while sitting on the terrace or a balcony where the sudden breeze could take you to the next level of your life of remembering the best moments happened in your life or the scar of the regrets in your past which is irremovable in your life which haunts like that you did a big mistake in your life.  Thinking now, Ohh god, please get me back to that time and stop me making stupid decisions and please change to how it was supposed to be,  these are the things which circle your mind and definitely happen when you start enjoying yourself in the d


One supreme power... Trust!   A warm greeting, an interesting topic with the most sincere heartfelt note, trust. Trust the power in you which pushes you in every situation that you can do it. The vibe which attracts you, and tells you that everything is going to be fine soon. How we started : The one such force which guides you in every circumstance. The will power which makes you stronger. The inner conscious which signs you about the future. Everything is connected. still,  what you have to do is trust. the little things which state your ability in making big decisions, to prove who are you? how firm you stand in your pace? everything and little minute movings we are interrelated in trust. How simple a priority should be, 1.The priority of trust must begin from ourselves, 2. Then to our loved ones,  3.Then to the others,  change in priority may lead to breaking your trust level unless are until how hard the situation to handle. Ending up with, whatever happens, believe that there is

The Unspoken !

Literally no One........ It is indeed pleasuring from all to the way, you supported someone to come out of their space and make them talk. Do we all make the right decision in someone's life by giving them advice which we feel good for them, or else just gazing them how they overcome from their situation? what makes you fell unspoken often, Does your ability to solve their problem? How do they think of us? Are we showing the right path to them? whether this question makes you left unspoken at times.  Dear readers, problems are shared with the person whom their trust. The way how they feel like is, a burden is being removed from them while talking with you and it seems very light after having an exchange with you. They need such support from you, at this time, you being silly about thinking about the four questions mentioned above doesn't seem an answer to their problem nor your ability to help others in a crucial situation. Come out of your comfort zone and make history do what

Treasure it

Rather than thinking about tomorrow's work schedule, plans, work pressure,  commitments, earnings, money, lavish lifestyle, scrolling over the feeds, spending more time on mobile phones .... STOP FOR A MINUTE ✋ think about yourself ask a question are you happy? without even a second thought go back to your parents and spend time with them, talk to them or else listen to their talking... their whole world is you and only you!!! 💯💯your well-being matters them the most while reading this definitely what exactly we would feel is an unexplainable moment of insecurity u would skip reading this but the reality is them and their happy face.   since we all have grown up at this stage we would definitely understand what they are feeling about us and you will get to know how truly they love us and you feel proud that you have spent quality time with them which makes them happy also.. I ain't know that a random person's death would tickle me up like this ... After all, life matters m


  Destiny... Yes It is .........! Where are you being in this world, sometimes life pushes us in such a situation that everything may go in deep, but the soul truth of yours never fails. Be someone who is strong, work with people who lead with your uniqueness, not with your false. Life is there to learn each and everything not to hesitate to do the things you love.   Destiny is destined to be so the things which you love to possess will be yours.  Believe what your heart says, not with the things which go around in your mind, your heart knows what it wants, it wanders, it weeps to the things it loves, your mind guides you, helps you to achieve the things which your heart desires.   So does the quote " passion towards the things you love". No other thing is much bigger than your desire, hence your mind wants to work for it, for the things you longed for, the wish you wished for.