All you need is Happiness

 Sometimes all you need is the happy person in you to share everything!

It’s not always that you must have someone to share things about your day or the life happenings. Most of the time is backfires us.

If you are the person who looks for change in your life, be more practical and think for thousands of times that is this change necessary for your life. Situations can always play around us and manipulate us. You change for others thinking that this new thing can bring us more elevated and enhanced version of us. But if it doesn’t then there is no change necessary at the first place. You are at the wrong place to be noticed.

“You need change but not within yourself but with your surroundings”.


Every change doesn’t bring us the best version of ourselves. At times it makes even worst of everything. Then you will be shattered and broken where even you cannot fix yourself.

Not all sadness and untold past and wounds must have to be kept inside us without telling them to others. 

Sometimes happiness can also be kept within us without sharing with others.

 The fear of losing happiness can sometimes haunt us and make us even more delusional in this life. This developed generation and society is all about how depressed you are and how much unhappy you are measuring it in terms of social media pages. 

Guys are you even serious about what's happening around us. We just wave through the thoughts. Move around like a sloth thinking about the future and worrying about the past. Have you ever thought about the present moment that you are living with? Be grateful that you have every sophisticated thing around you and a place to sit comfortably to start worrying for the day.

Say thanks for the things you have got right now. A minute of gratitude will bring you more joy and happiness.

To this life you are living, you are cherished, loved, and believe that everything dam thing is happening for your good. No matter what struggle you are facing with, but you are the best who is going to make everything happen and make wish and dreams come true for the moment of your life.



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