
Showing posts from 2023

All you need is Happiness

 Sometimes all you need is the happy person in you to share everything! It’s not always that you must have someone to share things about your day or the life happenings. Most of the time is backfires us. If you are the person who looks for change in your life, be more practical and think for thousands of times that is this change necessary for your life. Situations can always play around us and manipulate us. You change for others thinking that this new thing can bring us more elevated and enhanced version of us. But if it doesn’t then there is no change necessary at the first place. You are at the wrong place to be noticed. “You need change but not within yourself but with your surroundings”.   Every change doesn’t bring us the best version of ourselves. At times it makes even worst of everything. Then you will be shattered and broken where even you cannot fix yourself. Not all sadness and untold past and wounds must have to be kept inside us without telling them to others.  Sometimes

Calmness in Storm

  When we get to know about people's true intentions.  We may get hurt. When we start correlating things with them, then there is no going back to hurting yourself again by thinking about the past. One thing you could do is just forgive and forget. It is our life to live on peacefully not by the judgement of others.    Why do you think that people may hide things from you and pretend like they did nothing?   It is all about the things that circle and move around in the minds of others. Every person has their own perspective on life. Even you have one to think. Instead of focusing on others start living for yourself. Every wait has its own answer. Start believing in yourself. Make magic happen. Staying positive and pouring out things from your heart helps. Stay calm and hear what your heart says it knows what it wants.  Even if it is difficult to accept things, you will heal. Changes happen, and your entire life will flip but hope will never fail and leave you in any circumstances.

Go get to see the World ! Beautiful

      One big day. Cheers to the happy people. Being happy is our choice. We get it we own it. Stay occupied with your own things. Nothing got to stop us. Thoughts may carry you but seriously when you stop worrying and start doing things in your own unique style, there is nothing you could stop achieving in your life.  Sit for a while and think, how happy you would have been if a particular situation had not happened to you. What are all the things you would have done if you had not met the wrong person in your life? How different you would have been if you had stopped a bad habit. So, where does it all start? Think for a while and process the happenings ! I bet you would find an answer and also you would feel entirely different and complete. The only thing we need to focus on is, don't give up easily you are here for a purpose. Root it to the cause. Find who you are. Trust the whole process happening inside you. They can't be a single person with no regrets in life. The world

All you need is Love !

  It's actually good to be called by the people you love. You glow differently when you are with your loved ones. The charisma and aura just flow through everywhere with a bright smile on your face. No more worries. No more sorrows. Just you and your set of people to share life and love.

Listener's Dairy

 Sometimes it is better to avoid people and live in peace. Why do you think so ?? What made you feel like this? It happens when the people you love most, make you feel like you are no longer necessary in their life. There will be certain times when even closed ones will feel like strangers. So how do you overcome these types of situations in your life?

Listener' Dairy

 Good time! To the girl who is battling with her mind, wavering with thoughts, confused with people's behaviour, fighting with her dreams, and the desire to make herself happy among all this chaos. Yes, to a girl in my age. To a girl who is struggling with her life. This piece of art is for you all to cherish and believe. You are beautiful as you are cherishing it with your smile every day. You are born different to reach the stars and success in your life. Roses are beautiful and you are appreciated every day for your work. Not to forget everyone faces a tough time in their life and it is obvious. A small drift should not affect your happiness.  You may feel like everything is falling apart, there is no use in living any further. But does this make sense? Stop a while and think about this. You may find an answer. Hardships are there to test your ability to move on. Not to make you stand still in your path and overthink. Make a change and find a way to move further, take steps to c


I feel worried about the things I did in the past,  I fear for things happening in my life. how do I change things?. Show me a good path. really a good path. Is that  I am so silly?? to worry about the things that don't even attract attention from others?? Is that I am so dumb which makes me believe I can't move things around.  Is that I am so quiet and fit for nothing?? Do I fit for nothing? God really help me, Take me out of this situation and show me a way!

Mindset to be Unique

 Every single person has a different story in their life. Each story is unique and respectable. 

Thoughts After a While

 Dear Readers,  #Letter from the Author. Life is all about who you are! What's your purpose in your life to make it certain! Not thinking about the past, and living in the dead world! We all meet someone, and while seeing them, our hearts flutter and squish us with pieces. The moment which makes you feel stumbled and stammered and the way you move your legs around, with the flick in your heart and a smile around your lips, setting up your lips turning into a curve at the nook and eyes being searching for that one person with your hands adjusting your hair and one wholesome glance from her.  Oh yes! my day is made! Little things count and bring much meaning to our day-to-day life. Our entire mood depends on the things which we focus on. There is so much to see and wonder about and to prepare ourselves for the future. Wasting your time on frivolous things and events which won’t bring out the best in your life is sheer waste. -Author's Day