Is Love overrated?


To celebrate the joy of life, 

we all need love, the one such aura which flows everywhere immensely to awaken the things in and out of us. Love is there everywhere but not overrated maybe the way we receive them through our eyes or the way we tend to get them through our ears might be overrated.

What actually love is!

According to my perspective,

Love is what a person feels about his/her self-confidence the respect he/she gains through with their behavior, a unique character that attracts people around them. The way they engage with people, the way they portray themself with the right attitude is what makes people fall for them which is renamed as love in today’s generation. Now there are a bunch of people who likely come up with the point that “ this is why he/she started loving him/her”. This is not true love they might break up within two-three months it won't last such a long period. 

Haven't you guys come across these dialogues in your day-to-day life? If not, then obviously you are lying! 

To me, love is the immeasurable thing one can give to others, giving your time to the one who deserves for you without even a second thought like the way a mother feels about her child, the way father protects his family, the way you help your friends, a little smile on your loved ones face after you have achieved something big! The energy they show to you on your success and tapping your shoulder at your worst times. It is where love flows everywhere in everyone's life and it is not overrated

So where does the problem of calling Love overrated start?

Some of the families in our country must understand that love does not only refer to a relationship between two young adults, a relationship between two people who are getting married, or puppy love throughout your school years. They believe it is destructive to their family traditions that their children have made a major error that cannot be undone.

Children who are brought up with such thoughts and even with the surroundings they are living will be portrayed like such an offense it was! They are children I repeat they are children so whenever they come across a love topic they automatically try to receive it in an overrated manner, as they cannot love someone to find their partner because of their family norms, it is not the thing which comes out of jealousy but the way they have grown over the years.


So they eventually misguide themselves that love is for fools not for ones who have dreams to achieve in their life, they totally forget that love is around everywhere and they are the ones who are not receiving it properly.

A negative event receives more attention than a positive event!

You may be a complete teetotaller, you are attaining an event or party with a set of people who drink on an occasion. So eventually when you are around them even with a glass of water, people assume that you are too drinking with them. And start gossiping over it to others that this generation has spoilt kids they smoke they drink but the reality is not everyone is drunkard or smokers they are very less compared to ones who are teetotalers, but clearly this thing will not get highlight that “they are so many people who don't smoke or drink” like the same,

 When one or two lovers post things awkwardly or post anything on social media, the public try to blast them out like what are they doing in this society? Don't their families watch all these and start talking about the social norms.

These kinds of activities and thought processes make us feel that love is overrated in these years! A common label to everyone that whoever loves is cringe material. But the amount of time people concentrating on a topic like this they can spend on anything that pays then much.

Concluding with,

So generally, people around everywhere are preoccupied with self-thoughts.

They say stuff in order to win discussions among friends about any topic they choose during their break time.

People have no time to realize what actually love is. (not mentioning everyone)

People bluff over things.

But, if they consider for a moment what is going on around them, how are they thriving in this environment?

Things shift on their own, and everything transforms into the magic of love! No more exaggerated ideas or overrated thoughts, just admire how they accept things with a cheerful attitude in the joy of love.


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